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Friday, July 16, 2010

Your Holy Cause

“Supernatural thinking is imagining, planning, and doing things for God that would be impossible to accomplish by mere human effort. The vision comes from God, the service is for God, and the work can be done only by God through us.”
— Dr. Bill Bright, The Joy of Supernatural Thinking.

The point of Shoes on the Move is to offer a network of Christian women who can mentor others in fulfilling their God-given purpose in life.

Dr. Bright correctly points out that we can accomplish little without the supernatural aid of our loving Father. The Holy Spirit seeks to enable us to reach our goals in a supernatural fashion so that the Lord is the only One Who will receive the glory in our success.

Let’s think about Dr. Bright’s statement:

1. "Vision comes from God." This is so true. God knows what He designed you to do, and He will reveal vision to you by the Holy Spirit: “Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God” (1 Corinthians 2:12 NKJV).

2. "Service is for God." Man-made vision is usually self-serving. But vision that comes from God serves others and brings personal peace. Your “holy cause” is intended to touch many lives for Jesus. The Psalmist says the joy is in the serving: “Serve the Lord with gladness; Come before His presence with singing” (Psalms 100:2 NKJV).

3. "The work can be done only by God through us." We need God’s help. In fact, Jesus said: “. . . without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5 NKJV). Fortunately, with Christ we can bear much fruit.

Shoes on the Move will stir your faith and build your dreams. We’ll see you this Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. at the Hilton.




  1. Hi Debbie...I'm looking forward to tomorrow night's meeting. In reading about "our holy cause", God reminded me that He oftentimes uses us for His purposes and we are completely unaware that He is doing so. How much more we could accomplish if we actually KNEW how and where He wants to use us! He also reminded me this morning (as I was thinking about this while on the lawnmower!!) that sometimes we confuse the BIG things He uses us for with the little things. For example, helping our members of your own family financially or otherwise can be a BIG thing in the eyes of God, while we might not even think of that as ministry! I think the "little" things He uses us for are bigger than we imagine. See you soon!

  2. Dear Sandie,

    How true! The things that we see as small are big when they are done unto the Lord and done unto man - with God's heart of love and compassion. I have said many times that the only thing you can take to Heaven is what you do for people. God gives us desires to help those around us. Isn't that part of vision? I would say, "Yes" it is. Finding the big in the little is true maturity. Sometimes it's making the phone call to the one God puts on your heart - that is life changing. I know for myself, it was the card in the mail, the message left on the answering machine, etc., when I was going through chemo that meant so much. Today, it is still one of the greatest outpourings of love that I remember. When others need someone to encourage them and there is someone that's willing to be used - obey God's promptings and make the call, that's true service unto God and man. Obeying the promptings of the Holy Spirit teaches us how to hear God's voice and how to know His leading.

    To me - thinking "Big" is thinking how can I impact more and more lives. That's your heart as well.

    Did you have fun on the mower?

    Love you Sandie. I look forward to seeing you and all the ladies tomorrow night at SOTM.

  3. Mowing can be very therapeutic, you know. There's just something about knocking down all that tall grass! Similar, I guess, to ironing out wrinkles???

  4. Last nite's meeting was wonderful! Can't wait for the next one already. Now to apply the lessons to my home :) Balance is what I seek... have found myself in both ditches... or if the house is looking good then I've let go of something else on the list like physical exercise. Lord help me to put you first and know what to do when.

    Am so excited about this group and the growth in store for all of us.

  5. Sandie,

    Chuck loves to mow... It's his place with God, a prayer closet if you will. I am always blessed to hear what the Lord has said to my husband after his time on the mower! :)

    When God has performed the small miracles in our life, they have meant more to us than some of the big ones. While we are grateful for all of God's miracles, the small ones tell me that God really cares about everything in our life. And, He is certainly more in control than we can imagine. Time and time again He has proven this to me... It has helped me to truly enter into His rest and come to know completely... "God's got it!" And, when I write or say that I really mean it. Those little words are not a quip, they are as real and authentic to me, as saying "Hello."

    It's always so good to see you at SOTM. I don't think we've gotten to speak either time you were there, but my heart smiles everytime I see you.

    Love you much, Charlana

  6. Rebecca,

    Last night was wonderful for me too.

    It's such a daily discipline to stay balanced in our life. As life unfolds and things happen out of our control we are further challenged.

    One thing I have been doing for the past year is reminding myself just how much time something takes me to do. I've even made note of the time a task takes me, so that I can remember it the next time I do it. I can't tell you how many times I've reminded myself about something specific that took me 20 minutes. I say to me, "surely I have 20 minutes out of 12 hours that I can give to that right now." Wow, it has helped me tremendously.

    Thank you for making that powerful declaration over all of us. As we were reading it, I thought I have to do this everyday... Life is about to change in a really great way for each of us, as we put to practice the things we are learning.

    I love you, Charlana
