
Welcome to the Shoes on the Move Blog, a place for inspiration, encouragement, and impartation. We are glad you visited, please take advantage of the ministry resources by both reading the weekly blog and downloading meeting notes that will help you uncover and develop your gift, as well as fulfill the vision God has entrusted to you.

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Break-out Session with Sylvia McCullars

Hello everyone! We are getting really excited about the upcoming SOTM meeting scheduled for Saturday, February 26th at 10am at Grand View Church. Break-Out Sessions will begin during the meeting. Following is an overview from Sylvia McCullars about the focus of the Break-Out Session she will be teaching. If you would like to participate in this session, please send an email to let us know. We love you dearly and believe great days are ahead! Debbie and Charlana


Change Your Heart, Change Your Life!
by Sylvia McCullars

This class will have sessions that include the sharing of where we think we are. I will share my realization or revelation of needing new vision, that I had about where I was, and then a dream of the night will be shared.

We will discuss our vulnerability in trusting one another. Keeping confidentiality is a sign of integrity; we must never uncover one another. Sharing personal or confidential matters might be like the sin of Noah's son, so in this class we will honor, respect and hold in confidence anything our sisters share.

In Session 2 we will learn to trust more and begin to open up to one another. We will discuss the blessings of being in covenant with each other. The word “secret” literally means divination, so no wonder the enemy can attack us in areas we have hidden. We will break into small groups praying together to know one another.

In Session 3 we will begin by telling ourselves that we all have unhealed hurts, unresolved issues and unmet needs. But we also learn that we can begin healing and having our needs met through the Father, Holy Spirit, Word and those God connects us with.

We will identify unhealed hurts together, some unresolved issues and what "unmet need" really means. We will also touch on anxiety and fears that affect all of us.

In Session 4 we will take a look at generational curses and what passes down the tree line just as the doctor tells us. We also will identify what sins that we continue now, will open doors for curses or continue the ones already passed down. We will talk about the forbidden areas that God marks off to keep us safe.

In Session 5 we will identify where to get help when there seems no answer. What about counseling and who can we trust?? We will talk about the covenant with the body and evaluate if whether we really do have a covenant with our church that we are each involved in.

We will talk about revelation through the Holy Spirit and testing the revelation. Using our gifts we will listen and pray for one another.

In Session 6 will be a wrap, a time to hear testimonies of healing. We will talk about continuing to grow and how the prophetic can show us where the Father wants us to go. We will also talk about how to make ourselves available to the prophetic. (Kris Valtron's story of healing will be shared.)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Break-out Session on Health & Nutrition with Sandie Parnell

Hi ladies, here's an overview from Sandie Parnell about the focus of the Break-Out Session she will be teaching at Shoes on the Move. If you would like to participate in this session, please send an email to let us know. We love you dearly and believe in the gift and call of God on your life! Debbie and Charlana


Healthy 4 Him
by: Sandie Parnell

The purpose of this ministry is to inform, educate and empower the body of Christ to obtain, restore and maintain optimal health. This can be achieved through application of the Word of God as holy medicine, combined with natural provisions, and information about how to care for our physical temples.

Healthy 4 Him is based on four components, with the aim to achieve health in each of our three parts—spirit, soul and body. The fourth component is action, because as the Word tells us, “faith without works is dead”. We must take action in order to get and be healthy, and then we’ll be ready for action, to do whatever we are called to do.

We are three-part beings. We are spirits who live in physical bodies, with a soul, which is our intellect, personality, and emotions. Our bodies are an awesome and intricate creation of God, and with proper care and respect, we can live much longer than the current average life expectancy of 78 or so years! We could be enjoying our older years, able to move, work and play without pain, able to enjoy children and grandchildren without fatigue and disability. We should be able to work or enjoy hobbies as long as we want, with minds sharp and memory intact.

It is possible to live not just a long life, but one that is worth living, rich and rewarding, without the pain and disease the world seems to think is inevitable.

God has provided everything we need to obtain and preserve health and healing. He blessed us with an abundance of nutritious and delicious foods, packed with vital nutrients designed to make and keep us healthy. He gave us His Word, which when applied with faith, is truly medicine and health to the body. Lastly, Jesus, by way of the cross, provided the right for us to be healthy and whole (Isaiah 53:4-5).

We should do our best to be healthy, not just for own personal benefit, but to be able to serve God in our call. The physical body is what carries us from place to place, using the feet to go, the hands to touch and feed, the voice to comfort and teach.

When we are healthy it is easier to care for others, it's easier to go where God sends us, and it certainly sets an example for others who need support and encouragement. Paul encouraged believers to discipline their bodies both physically and spiritually, so that they would be able to obtain an incorruptible crown.

I Corinthians 9:27... “But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.”
Our health is a precious gift, not to be taken for granted. It is our responsibility to keep our temple, our physical body, in the best shape possible to honor God. It is possible for us to live with abounding health, flourishing and thriving.

In Healthy 4 Him sessions, we’ll learn many interesting things about how our bodies work. Up-to-date information on nutrition, exercise, and beauty regimens will be provided. The effects of stress on the body and the soul will be addressed, and we’ll explore the spirit/mind/body connection. We’ll look at what the Word has to say about our health, longevity and aging, about our food, our bodies, and exercise. We’ll confess what the Word says over our bodies and pray for each other’s health issues. We’ll have lecture time, and we’ll enjoy teaching videos and group discussions. We might even sample some new nutritious foods that you might not have tried before!

Healthy 4 Him will make you enthusiastic about getting and staying healthy in every part of your being. Consider this quote: “Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.” (Source unknown)