
Welcome to the Shoes on the Move Blog, a place for inspiration, encouragement, and impartation. We are glad you visited, please take advantage of the ministry resources by both reading the weekly blog and downloading meeting notes that will help you uncover and develop your gift, as well as fulfill the vision God has entrusted to you.

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Clearing the Path

Last night's SOTM meeting was such a joy and a real God ordained time for all the women who attended. There were door prizes, new friends, and great thoughts shared from the group about how to remove clutter from our lives.

Who doesn't have clutter in their life? Whether internal or external, we need to clear the path in our life to make room for the plan of God to come to pass. External clutter keeps our minds busy and overwhelmed; like being distracted by that closet that needs to be purged or the mess that needs to be cleaned up in our home. Internal clutter pertains to spiritual matters that need our attention; like unforgiveness, soul ties, poor self image, past disappointments and wounds.

Either way, once the clutter is removed God's peace follows. When we are at peace and content in our ways, He has room to lead us and we have time to hear Him. Let's get organized so that we can be effective for the kingdom of God.

Get that clutter out of your way. External clutter is easy to remove, just make the decision, set aside the time and do it. It's amazing what we can accomplish in 20 minutes. On the other hand, removal of internal clutter takes discipline, by daily making a decision to forgive and let go of the things that are holding us back; like breaking soul ties and allowing God's Word to restore our self image.

Debbie and Charlana provided a handout with prayers for internal issues that hinder our spiritual growth and a homework assignment that will help restore our self image. Visit the WTM website to download and print the material to use throughout the month.

Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 17, same time, same place. Debbie will continue on with the message focusing on the brain/mind connection, so that we will be free to get our shoes moving and fulfill our God-given purpose.

Don't miss a moment... great things are going on at Shoes on the Move!


  1. Good morning Debbie and Charlana! Tues night's meeting was wonderful and FUN! I guess it's true as that 80s song says, girls do like to have fun!! Well, yesterday was my mom's 83rd birthday, and while she has some minor ailments, overall she's still getting along pretty good. And her mind is still sharp as can be (her memory is better than mine, remembering things I'd rather forget!)

    As I read your post today about external and internal clutter, I was thinking about another kind of "clutter", that of dealing with physical ailments. Having to suffer from, treat, and spend time on praying for and believing for healing takes up so much precious time. I was reading something by Gloria Copeland where she said that Kenneth had received a word from God saying, "Your days will be long on the earth. Your days will be strong on the earth. If the Lord tarries His coming, you will live in length of days and strength of days." And since we know from the Word that God is no respecter of persons, then that must be His will and desire for all of us. I know I'm claiming that!

    I've heard it said that although God KNOWS the number of our days on the earth, He doesn't necessarily determine that number. In other words, He knows the very day and even second that we'll draw our last physical breath on this earth, but so much of when that will occur depends on HOW WE LIVE our days up to that point.

    If only we could get hold of that knowledge while we're still young, because, speaking for myself, if we don't find that out until middle age or later, so much damage has already been done to our health, our spirit life, and the realm of our soul. Then when we get the revelation, we have to play catch up. I know that God has enabled me to take big steps in my "catch up", but wouldn't it be so much better if we had the revelation of what right living (grounding ourselves in and living by the Word and, taking care of our "temples") can do early on?

    I was a very sickly child and almost died more than once. Doctors told my mom she wouldn't raise me to be older than eight years old. I kept developing recurrent pneumonia and they didn't know why. Finally, out of desperation, my mom just opened the phone book and let God direct her to yet another pediatrician. This doctor told her that I had asthma, something none of the other doctors detected, and he sent me to a specialist, whom God literally used to save my life. So, I started out weak, but I fully intend to finish strong! By the way, I don't have asthma anymore!!

    I am so eager to hear the next message about the mind-body connection. I believe it's going to be a real eye-opener and a revelation to so many of us. In thinking of that, this scripture comes to mind and I pray it over you and all the women connected to Shoes on the Move: 3 John 2: "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers."

  2. What a great lesson on Tuesday night. I have been working on clutter and organization since downsizing the office. So much stuff we don't use or need. I use Pastor Watt's saying, "Loose it and let it go". Since I tend to hang onto stuff. It is so freeing to be rid of it. While listening to the lesson on Tuesday, I remembered the sales tax report was suppose to be in the mail by the 20th. Less clutter and not procrastinating would have prevented that problem. When will we have the lesson on procrastination?

  3. (D. Watts copied these comments by Rebecca Campbell, written under Your Holy Cause to add to this blog. Great comments Rebecca! The blog for Clear the Path was not posted and I wanted everyone to read Rebecca's comments because we all deal with those same issues.

    Rebecca Campbell said...

    Last nite's meeting was wonderful! Can't wait for the next one already. Now to apply the lessons to my home :) Balance is what I seek... have found myself in both ditches... or if the house is looking good then I've let go of something else on the list like physical exercise. Lord help me to put you first and know what to do when.

    Am so excited about this group and the growth in store for all of us.

  4. SOTM Ladies,

    We had a wonderful meeting on July 20. I cannot tell you how much I enjoy SOTM and just spending time with all the Ladies that attend. Tuesday's meeting was just for me. All day in preparation for the meeting, as I was praying, I told the Lord, "Father, this night is for me." I have so much vision that God has given me, and I know clutter (for me it's paper, paper, paper) takes my peace and my creativity.

    I appreciated the Scripture Karen Billings shared about Martha & Mary. The Scripture is true, if we put God first, we'll know what to do with the rest of our day, and receive what we need to enjoy the life God has for us through the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

    Luke 10:40-42 NKJV
    40 But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, "Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me."
    41 And Jesus answered and said to her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things.
    42 But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her."

    I love what Paul said in 1 Corinthians:

    "PATTERN YOURSELVES after me [follow my example], as I imitate and follow Christ (the Messiah)." 1 Corinthians 11:1 AMP.

    The desire of SOTM is to be an example of our Father, so other shoes can follow in our footsteps.

    Update: As Charlana mentioned, every meeting we have will address the whole person, "Spirit, Soul, and Body." I desire to put God first (Spirit) and then to walk with a renewed mind (Soul) and to have the stamina to run my God-given race (Body). This is a big task, but we are clearing the path so God can be God in every area of our lives.

    Charlana and I love each of you and we are thrilled to be in SOTM with you. I can't wait to see you on August 17th. Love you all, Debbie

  5. Ladies,

    I have to tell you that God did such a deep work in my heart after Tuesday night.

    Sometimes we have to take inventory both in our physical surroundings and in our heart before we can see God's handiwork in every situation.

    Through preparation for Tuesday night, I realized the years of spiritual clutter in my heart from past disappointments and hurt. The best part of my realization was this, God had already provided the answer that would heal my past. I didn't recognize it until today.

    When I did, my heart immediately released the wounds and received what God had already done. Now I am free and I am even more full of the thing I want to be full of... Him.

    I've been rejoicing all day!!

    Yes we do love you all so dearly. We rejoice over you daily, because we already see what the Lord wants to do in your lives and we can't wait to see it come to pass.


  6. What an atmosphere of unconditional love and encouragement! My steps were ordered to be there--like Elnise's testimony--and now I can see such a future and a hope. I am a "late-bloomer"--my time has been taken mainly helping my husband with our business--but retirement is not far down the road. The gifts God has put in me will be taken off the "back-burner" and brought forward for God's glory and to serve people. Like Charlana, I can now see how God has provided this open door to provide all the wisdom and "boosting" to restore me and get the creative, productive river flowing! I am rejoicing too! It is our "Happy, Joyful" God Who had this all planned! A wonderful network of support and a fishing net to bring in souls! Pat

  7. Debbie and Charlana thank you for an awesome night of teaching. As Sandie said girls just want to have fun. Learning and growing doesn't have to be boring. I would like to add my 2 cents to clutter.

    I work in manufacturing and "lean" is our corporate initiative. We have a process called the 5's. Sort, set in order, shine, standardize, and sustain. Many times in our lives we get the first 4 steps accomplished, but step number 5 is the hard one to do. If we could just "sustain" we wouldn't have to do 1-4 again and again and again.

    Diana Hylton

  8. Hi Pat,

    My heart just leaped within me when I saw you in the hallway. Last Sunday, I taught a message about being a builder in the kingdom of God. A builder is on the "front lines" and mighty in the plans and purposes of God. That's how I see you. Mightily equipped and ready to step into everything He has planned for you.

    Job 23:14 AMP
    For He performs [that which He has] planned for me, and of many such matters He is mindful.

    I can't wait to see you at the next meeting.

    Much love and appreciation for you, Debbie

  9. Hi Diana,

    Oh my, how true - how true. The sustaining is always the issue. It reminds me of this verse:

    John 15:7 NKJV
    If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.

    The key word is "abide" or as you said, "sustain" meaning to make it a way of living or your "dwelling place."

    Too often we get things in order and because of no "margin" in our lives - we find ourselves back in the same spot of a cluttered room, cluttered closet, cluttered desk, cluttered car, or a cluttered life and mind. Not good!

    I so relate to your comments and this is what I am working on - "to sustain" or keep things in order.

    Having the "margin" or to be sure that I have planned ahead for the task. As Charlana said, things take longer then we think they will. I loved Charlana's comments.

    Remember, we're not just talking about keeping an orderly house - but orderly lives and hearts. This is so we can hear all that God is saying to us and quickly obey those leadings. My prayer has been, "Father, teach me to hear and then yield so I can follow."

    Diana, thanks for making it all sound so simple. That's our God, His anointing makes things simple. That's the key - His anointing.

    Be blessed, Debbie Watts
