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Monday, June 21, 2010

"You Have God-Given Potential," by Debbie Watts

Potential Is Within You

During the April Shoes on the Move Meeting, Debbie shared a message about potential and the limitless resources God has placed within you that will help you fulfill what He has called you to do. An excerpt follows, but you can download and print the entire message under "Meeting Notes" in the sidebar by clicking the title link "You Have God-given Potential".
There is so much in you waiting to be released. Do you see it? Do you know what’s in you? Within you lies something that the world around you needs. You are designed to be a blessing and fulfil a need in this world.

Your potential is God-given and man cannot limit it. What God has put within you has great value to Him. Give yourself to your God-given potential. Learn to recognize it, yield to it, develop it, and enjoy it. No matter what—never bury your potential.

Dr. Myles Munroe says, "Everything in life was created with potential and possesses the potential principle. In every seed there is a tree... in every bird a flock... in every fish a school... in every sheep a flock... in every cow a herd... in every boy a man... in every girl a woman... in every nation a generation. Tragedy strikes when a tree dies in a seed, a man in a boy, a woman in a girl, an idea in a mind. For untold millions, visions die unseen, songs die unsung, plans die unexecuted and futures die buried in the past. The problems of our world go unanswered because potential remains buried." (Quoted from the book, "Understanding Your Potential," pg. 21. A great resource to help you develop your God given potential.).