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Monday, June 21, 2010

"You Have God-Given Potential," by Debbie Watts

Potential Is Within You

During the April Shoes on the Move Meeting, Debbie shared a message about potential and the limitless resources God has placed within you that will help you fulfill what He has called you to do. An excerpt follows, but you can download and print the entire message under "Meeting Notes" in the sidebar by clicking the title link "You Have God-given Potential".
There is so much in you waiting to be released. Do you see it? Do you know what’s in you? Within you lies something that the world around you needs. You are designed to be a blessing and fulfil a need in this world.

Your potential is God-given and man cannot limit it. What God has put within you has great value to Him. Give yourself to your God-given potential. Learn to recognize it, yield to it, develop it, and enjoy it. No matter what—never bury your potential.

Dr. Myles Munroe says, "Everything in life was created with potential and possesses the potential principle. In every seed there is a tree... in every bird a flock... in every fish a school... in every sheep a flock... in every cow a herd... in every boy a man... in every girl a woman... in every nation a generation. Tragedy strikes when a tree dies in a seed, a man in a boy, a woman in a girl, an idea in a mind. For untold millions, visions die unseen, songs die unsung, plans die unexecuted and futures die buried in the past. The problems of our world go unanswered because potential remains buried." (Quoted from the book, "Understanding Your Potential," pg. 21. A great resource to help you develop your God given potential.).


  1. Hi Debbie! In reading this by Dr. Munroe about "in every seed there is a tree", I say also that in every tree there is a seed...indeed there are many seeds, to plant and grow new trees. As we mature and grow in our faith, we should have and do have the potential and the capability to produce, scatter, plant and even help to grow new "trees" for the Kingdom. We need to realize that we have those seeds within us and be willing to help "grow" the body of Christ!! Speaking the right words at the right time, mentoring, supporting (against the winds of disbelief/destruction)all help seedlings, then saplings, develop into mature strong trees/Christians. Thank you and God bless you and those who are laboring with you in this exciting new ministry!

  2. Hey Debbie, it's me again. I forgot to thank you for including the topic of nutrition and exercise in your poll. You know, if you look at the four topics listed, nutrition and exercise is very closely tied to the first and second ones...improving self image and opportunities to use your gift! It is my fervent prayer that we will become more mindful of the fact that our physical bodies are indeed temples, and we have an obligation to the One who created them to be good stewards of them. As you know, powerful ministry can come from someone even in a wheelchair, and someone in the midst of fighting a deadly disease can be a powerful witness. But by keeping ourselves in a healthy "ready" condition, not only are we honoring the One who gave us health, but our own self image IS improved and our level of confidence rises. It's a matter of self-control, a fruit coming to fruition! And, healthy "feet" can "move our shoes" faster and further to spread good news. Healthy people are more able to "go" and minister to the unhealthy. I sincerely hope that more of our ladies will give greater attention and diligence to this area of their life. Thanks, again.

  3. Hi Sandie,

    Great comments. Jamie just came back from an ICAA meeting in Tulsa, OK. He had the great honor of hosting Dr. Daniel Amen for several days. Dr. Amen has been on Rachel Ray, Dr. Phil, PBS, Good Morning America, just to name a few TV programs. He authored a great book called, "Change Your Brain Change Your Mind" also he wrote, "Change Your Brain Change Your Body." He shared how you must have a healthy brain and that all change starts in the thought life. Sounds like Romans 12:1-2 to me. But beyond that, Dr. Amen stressed the importance of feeding the brain with the necessary fruits and vegetables, Omega 3s and the right supplements. I totally agree with his writings. As you know, in my teachings on Renewing the Mind all real change comes from learning to think like God thinks. This can only come by a life that is hungry for the Word of God. Great health is more than a number on the scale. It is being healthy in all three areas: Spirit, soul, and body. For those that would read this and desire to feel their best, here are my suggestions: First, give yourself to the Word and ask the Holy Spirit to help you. Second, get up and start moving. Yes, exercise. I do the treadmill for my exercise. Third, eat fruits and vegetables and lean protein. I do not do well with sugar, so, I try to get my sugar from blueberries, etc. Am I 100% consistent with this. No!!! Just ask Gail, my sister. She was here for a week while Jamie was in Tulsa and we just had to laugh at each other. Finally, we had to hide the snacks from each other. So, we all struggle with our flesh, but our true desire is to feel and be the best we can be. When I make wrong food choices - I realize that I can get back on track with the very next meal. Anyone that reads this and you desire to be healthier - start with what you know to do. I remember struggling with my weight after the chemotherapy and I reached 182 lbs. Yes, can you believe it. I couldn't. That was my turning point. I have taught that change doesn't come until the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change. I called my sister Gail and I said, What ever I have to do -I will do to have the life I desire to have. Yes, it was work and it is still work today (as I'm in my workout clothes and I still need to do my walking at 10:45 pm - but I will) but the reward is worth it all. So, here I am honest and transparent so that others can be all they desire to be. Confidence comes when you feel good about yourself. Let's not let chocolate or white bread rob that from us. We can do all things through Christ who enables and strengthens us for success (Phil. 2:13,4:13). Thank you Sandie for a wonderful posting. You gave me the energy I need now to go walking. I'll hug you at SOTM! Love you, Debbie

  4. Hey Deb...I totally agree with everything you just said. And you're right, a lot of times people won't change until it's too painful for them to stay the same. That's how it happened for me, along with the fact that I wanted to set an example for Pam, my daughter. Now we work out together at least 3 times a week (our Friday kickboxing class together is our favorite!). I've lost 34 pounds and she has lost about 24!! And, by the way, we did it eating the way you described above, and no, we're not perfect with it either. But like you say, you can always get back on track, it's just important that you DO. Putting the Word in front of me really helped, and I had little sticky notes everywhere that reminded me to "Discipline your flesh". By the way, you should be sleeping, my friend, at 10:45 pm instead of walking on a treadmill!! Unless you're planning on sleeping in to get your 8 hours. I've by reading more and more lately how lack of sleep can actually make you gain weight, and getting enough sleep helps you lose. It seems that when we sleep is when our bodies make HGH (human growth hormone) which is vital to helping us maintain a healthy weight. And by the way, you're right also about the mere number on a scale. We know that doctors don't know everything, and what's healthy for one might not be exactly right for another, but a BMI of 25 or less should be just about right for almost everybody. It seems when most us hit that "magic" number, we feel our best. See you soon...and sweet dreams!

  5. Hi Sandie,

    Yes, the BMI is crucial. We won't say what mine was. Praise God - today it is in the healthy range. Sleep is crucial for weight loss and managing weight. Dr. Daniel Amen really stresses that 8 hours is necessary. Sandie, I think you could have written this book. Is God putting a book in you? I say that honestly. Your writing skills are wonderful, inviting, and easy to read. Pray about it. I would love to hear you thoughts on writing. I can see it now. How to Enjoy the Life You've Always Desired by Sandie Parnell. Yes, I'll prophesy that over you. Sounds good to me. Sandie, you have many talents within you. I'm thrilled to see how God is going to use you in SOTM. I love you much, Debbie.
